These rules are disclosed to clarify the various responsibilities of all community members here on BooksCat.Club. They shall be adhered to by everyone to ensure that our board runs smoothly and provides a fun and productive experience for all of our community members and visitors.
Site Rules
These rules are subject to change at any time and staff will address situations as they see fit if they're not addressed in any rules.
- Be polite, we are all adults and we should act like them. While we don't believe in censorship, we will certainly pull out the ban-hammer if needed.
- DO NOT defy the moderators.
- DO NOT advertise or solicit. No posting of ad links anywhere on the site. If found doing so you will be BANNED.
- DO NOT post links that would lead to other forums/blogs.
- Only ONE account per person, if you are found to have more than one account newest will be deleted. If you break the rule again you will be BANNED.
- ONE account per associated IP address. If you create another account to try and get around the moderation YOU WILL BE BANNED. No warnings or notification.
- You must confirm your email. Accounts that are unconfirmed after 1 day will be deleted.
- Any members account that has not logged into the site for 2 months will be classed as an Inactive account and will be removed.
These rules are subject to change at any time and staff will address situations as they see fit if they're not addressed in any rules.
- BooksCat.Club does not condone, allow or permit copyrighted content on our servers, nor do we offer an upload/download facility. #
This set of rules covers our policies on posting and requesting books.
- One Book One Thread. No series requests permitted. Box sets and omnibus are considered one book.
- You are only allowed to make 4 requests in any 24 hr period. (You can have 4 bumps and 4 requests in any 24 hour period, they are separate counts)
- Excess WILL be deleted. (If a request disappears, you didn't wait 24 hours)
- We check for availability. If it's not there then we will move to closed. Provide a link to digital availability if it's on sale elsewhere.
- Title, Author, and Kindle release date are to be taken from
- Author has to match Amazon exactly (not on book covers) including punctuation, spacing, etc. If there are multiple authors, list the first one and put et al. and include the Amazon link in the body.
- Title must match Amazon and we do not want the subtitle/descriptor (colon and words after it). Unless the author has multiple books with the same title, then you include the subtitle to differentiate from the others.
- You MUST use the required format when making a request. Do not use all caps.
- Required format: This format is to be inserted in the Subject Title NOT the body.
- Author | Title | Kindle Release Date
- The required date is the date the title was released in digital format, not the date the request was posted.
- Full date is only required for present year and it needs to be first 3 letters of Month Day, YYYY - ie Jan 1, 2025
- If not present year, simply put the year of release.
- Example: Marisa Chenery | Mate for a King | 2020
- Please leave spacing between the dividers.
- If you make an error or omission of author's name or book titles, it will be moved to closed. This WILL count towards your allowed two.
- If you make an error and we ask you to edit it, please do so within 24 hours or it will be moved to closed. No edits are allowed on book release day. To avoid wasting a request, hit the preview button and check to make sure there are no errors then click submit.
- Search BEFORE you make a request. White bar, top right, it says "Search..." in the box. Duplicate requests WILL count towards your allowed two. Requests with errors will count towards your allowed two as well.
- If a book was requested within the past month and the link is dead, do not start a new thread, send a private message to the uploader requesting a new link.
- DO NOT bump your or any one else's thread within 5 days of last post. Use bookmark feature instead by clicking on the star.
- Bump post = any message or post with no redeeming value can BUMP the post back to the top of the list of posts.
- Any post with no redeeming value in a thread will be classed as a bump.
- DO NOT give out personal information like your email in a public thread, send the member a private message.
- Once a request is found, please upload to host site being used by the team, and post the link as a reply in the thread. If you are having problems use private messages. DO NOT post Download links that lead to other forums. If you prefer not to mark the thread as found then feel free to message the request link to a moderator who will close the thread for you.
- DO NOT request titles that have not yet been released. If it is not yet released you are not going to get it. This includes titles not available in digital format.
- Please be aware almost all e-books are released by Pacific Standard Timezone. Therefore this is the timezone we go by.
- Only 15 active requests are permitted at any one time.
- Found/Closed threads are classed as inactive.
You may ask a moderator to close an active request if you wish. You must send them the link.
- Found/Closed threads are classed as inactive.
- Active requests older than 14 days will automatically be deleted.
This set of rules covers our policies on posting and requesting books.